Love and Limits


Parenting just may be the most rewarding and the most difficult Job one may ever embark upon. Every child is unique and every family is different. There are no simple 1-2-3 answers for raising children in this culture. (Find all the topics Dr. Tim covers in his workshops and life coaching below!)


However, there are some stable, constant, and timeless principles that work in the parenting process – we call them Dr. Tim’s Tidbits of Truth!. Dr. Tim has had the blessing of helping hundreds of parents navigate through this sometimes difficult journey and has also had the blessing and challenge of raising three children of his own.


Dr. Tim is available for presentations, classes, and virtual parenting coaching, as well as in-person parenting counseling. Whether you want to book Dr. Tim in your school, church or business, or want to bring your children in to a private session with you, Dr. Tim has an option that will fit your unique circumstances and budget.

Contact Dr. Tim today to get started!

Dr. Tim’s book, Little Professors is available online now!

Dr. Tim’s Tidbits of Truth

Purpose precedes plan

Understanding the PURPOSE of family is vital to planning for a happy healthy family.

The most expensive cost in raising a child

Understanding the PRECEPTS OF GOD.  Train them up….

The most important team – the home team

Getting mom and dad in UNITY on the same page. (Single parenting and divorce issues are addressed here.)

I know who you are

Seeing your children through new spiritual IDENTITY glasses

The greatest motivation on earth

Do we really understand how to LOVE a child?

To love is to set limits

How love and pain are connected to the purpose of DISCIPLINE.

If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing

Helping your children set and achieve GOALS

Technology – good and bad

The latest research on how TECHNOLOGY is affecting our children.

Work B4 Play

Understanding the value of instilling a HARD WORK ethic in our children.

Created for relationships

Understanding God’s plan for making and keeping FRIENDS.